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Streaming high volume real time data into Vertica

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:02 am
by raheelr
I would really appreciate insight from the group. We are a real time data streaming application and looking for a way to stream data directly to Vertica (rather than stage store data in a file/repository and then upload to Vertica). Our data streaming volumes can be anywhere from few MB/minute to 4-5 GB/min. Our streaming application denormalizes data in flight and we would like to take advantage of Vertica for storage and then further analysis of the data. Is there a fast load API that we can write to?

Also, since our application is dynamic, in the sense that new sources of information can be added to our application on demand, is it possible to create new tables/objects in Vertica dynamically to host this data?

Thank you and much appreciated!